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Sikkim’s Chief Minister SHRI P.S. GOLAY extends warm greetings for holi

Sikkim’s Chief Minister SHRI P.S. GOLAY greetings for Holi

I extend my warm greetings and best wishes to the people of Sikkim on the joyous occasion of Holi.

The festival of colours marks the onset of the warmer season and victory of good over evil. I hope that the occasion unites the Sikkimese people, further strengthening the social fabric of the society.

Our festivals inspire us to follow the path of religion, truth and It is a symbol of our glorious culture, delivering the message of love and brotherhood.

Let the occasion be a harbinger of joy, happiness, and merriment, transcending across all religions, caste, creed, and ethnicity. I wish that the day brings along abundance, peace, harmony, prosperity, and happiness.
