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Producer Deepshikha Deshmukh urges people to give up firecrackers on Deepawali in view of COVID-19

Deepshikha Deshmukh Tadoba Andhari National Park

She says, “We must show compassion for recovering patients and those still battling the disease.”

Producer Deepshikha Deshmukh of Pooja Entertainment is a strong advocate for environmental and public health issues. She hopes that this year, citizens will observe a firecracker free Diwali as a gesture of consideration and compassion for recovering COVID-19 patients and those still struggling with the disease. Deepshikha who always celebrates Diwali at Latur, says, “I have always campaigned for a firecracker free Diwali and that is why I have always encouraged my children to never burst crackers. This is a movement I started right at home because I wanted my children to learn the importance of sacrificing a little for the benefit and well-being of many. Especially this year, given the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to restrain ourselves from polluting the environment with even more smoke as it will endanger the health of the sick and the convalescing. Toxic smoke can be potentially fatal for COVID-19 patients.”

The pandemic she feels is a challenge that calls for a united resolve to help each other and Diwali being a festival of light, should not cause pain, discomfort, and stress to those who are already facing serious health issues. She adds, “The numbers of those infected have not reduced. Our fight with the disease is not over and we must withhold a little now to make sure that everybody is around next Diwali to celebrate together without pain or fear.”
