Actor Titu Verma and transgender actor Ganga launched the app of IMODA- Indian Models and Organisers Development Association Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - March 3, 20230 After Corona, there have been many changes in the whole world and these changes have been seen in all fields, whether it is technical, commercial or practical, internet and online have come after being limited, some such changes have also come in the entertainment industry. The day is not far
Besharam Rang Singer Shilpa Rao performing in Mumbai’s biggest Holi Bash at NESCO Featured Funtainment by Akanksha - March 3, 20230 The highly anticipated Holi event "Holi color blast" is set to take place on March 7th, featuring renowned singer Shilpa Roy, DJ Shilpi Sharma, and DJ Joel among others. The event is curated and brought to you by Pink Drop Entertainment Present in association with Yuva Tiger Entertainment, PinkDrop consists of