*Manjari* Directed by Trinayan Sharma and strong performance done by Anju Dahal Featured News by Akanksha - October 15, 20200 *Manjari* is Directed by Trinayan Sharma and strong performance done by Anju Dahal, Manjari has arrived on three platforms together namely MX player, Moviflex and Hungama Play. Shot in the extreme temperatures of Manali, it took almost more than 2 years to come to light. After many discussions and many meetings, Trinayan and Anju finally decided to give the movie to 3 platforms together. It took the whole team a schedule of about 10 days to go there first, do location scouting, and then shoot it. The post was on able hands as the background score of the short movie was composed by Nilotpal Bora. Streaming live on three platforms together, Trinayan urges the audiences to watch and enjoy and also assures them this is just the beginning, many more to come as he is currently doing a web series named Karma. Anju the lead actress has already bagged a Kannada film as a lead, the shoot of which was postponed due to lockdown. She also urges the people and audiences to give more chances and time to the new talents who off lately have changed the landscape of cinema altogether. Trinayan has many times given statements even when he was working for an Anurag Kashyap produced docu-drama that he wants to make it big and make his father proud and his statements are still the same. Everything he does it’s for his father and it will be like that till his last breath. Producer / Financer Shankar Thapa trusted Anju & Trinayan hence this project was possible .. we need more producers like him who gives opportunities to new talents to grow and shine! Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related